Sunday, September 17, 2017

Is China really MODERN or stuck in the DARK AGES? 49,450 views 2K 105 SHARE serpentza Published on Sep 15, 2017 SUBSCRIBE 219K SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBED UNSUBSCRIBE Why is it that I can turn a corner in China and feel as if I've travelled hundreds of years back in time? Yet turning another corner it's like I've travelled into the future? China has a rather unique dichotomy in which the past literally co-exists alongside the present! But which is it? Is China really modern or is it stuck in the Dark Ages with a modern facade?

Come find out... My video with Raising Shanghai: Raising Shanghai's channel: Check out my motorcycle adventures on ADVCHINA (links below) ⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: ⚫ Support me on Patreon: Join me on Facebook: Twitter: @serpentza Instagram: serpent_za My other channel: Music used: Virtual Vice - City Limits Artist's bandcamp: Category People & Blogs

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